


Printemps Haussmann continues its support of the association Agir pour la santé des Femmes 1  (ADSF) by donating office furniture and tableware from the restaurants located in Printemps du Goût.


1 The Agir pour la santé des Femmes association is a French organisation focussed on the health of women in situations of poverty and social exclusion.

Close to 500 plates, bowls, items of furniture and office accessories were donated to equipping the association’s new centre, Repaire Santé Femmes.
This haven, granted to the ADSF by the Paris City Hall, offers emergency solutions to isolated women, who are met with doctors and psychologists, PCR testing, hygiene services with clean bathrooms, care package distribution and warm meals. It is a safe place where they can regain confidence and receive proper care, made yet more important due to the pandemic.
For over a year, Printemps has been at ADSF’s side for various support projects. This started in 2019, when 300 hygiene kits were donated after Printemps Haussmann’s first Solidarity Week. Products were personally donated by employees, coupled with items from Printemps. At the beginning of the first lockdown, Citadium also made a large donation of clothing.
These are all examples of actions of solidarity that fully align with the CSR policies of the Group for the empowerment of women.

To know more about the ADSF association, click here.


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