


For the first time, Le Printemps is launching remote shopping via its @printempsofficial account by offering the hottest items selected by Sales Experts and the Social Media Manager. They are guaranteed to catch your eye!

If it’s a case of love at first sight, followers can swipe up to start a conversation with one of the Personal Shoppers or Printemps Sales Experts to complete their order. The product is then shipped directly to the customer's home.

This new buying channel is another way for Le Printemps to interact with its community, by providing access to products they can't find near their homes, while developing brand attachment through a personalised conversation with an expert. There’s no requirement to make a purchase, so the account also allows followers to discover new products and brands. Some choose to come and buy directly in store, which generates more foot traffic on site.

Still in the testing phase with delivery available in Paris and Ile-de-France, remote sales on Instagram will be expanded across France in the coming months. 

Meet us on instagram @printempsofficial

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